As you may have guessed I have uploaded pictures of the Build Me A Guru ceramic helper project to our student art gallery page. I, for one, think they came out fabulously! Plus no ones project stuck to the kiln shelf because of ill placed glaze, so Good Job all around! You can navigate to our student art gallery page under Art 7 or click here

As always I have a website that you can visit to have a little art related fun. This is probably going to be the last one I post of the quarter (since we only have 3 days left! eeeek!) so I'm going to make it a good one. If you are ever bored and want to have some fun I suggest original games at for fun animated games or Line Rider at for a fun sledding game where you draw the track. Enjoy!
Hello Again!
I have (finally) finished the series of paintings I began over a month ago and posted about before. So without further ado here are the last steps to get to the final painting. Technically I'm not done until I create a frame for it and in this case because framing 3 - 18" x 36" panels is very expensive and this is a gift for a friend I'm am going to paint along the edges black to define the edge without adding cost.  I do this to all my paintings so that I have the option to hang with or without a frame. Enjoy!
I have just uploaded the photos for our fourth project to our art gallery page. You will see these again after we add the foreground ink figures during project 5.  But I'll explain more about that in class on Wednesday. 

As always, I have a fun new internet goodie for you to check out.  Visit to see a youtube video sans (aka without) all the distractions around the video that shows how ink and water can interact to make interesting images.
The kilns are finished and all of the projects are fired. I began unloading the kilns this morning and hope to be done by the end of the day. So far we've had a couple arms fall off, a few cracks and only 2 explosions (both are completely fixable don't worry!). I am very pleased, so pleased in fact that I decided to take photos so you could seen them!
In addition I wanted to share with you a fun website that is kinda sorta related to our current Tangram project. It is a website all about Origami (paper folding) that has an animation to show you how to create a folded paper crane . To visit the website click here or go to Enjoy! 
Hello All, 
Now normally, I get to see all of you complete projects and while I might show you a couple of steps at a time or a completed piece of art I have done, you guys don't normally get to see me complete a whole piece from start to finish. To remedy this I have decided to take photos of the creation of a series of paintings I am creating for my friend's living room based on a wallpaper swatch she liked. I have only gotten through enlarging the image and creating the underpainting (which is a simplified color scheme -only 2-3 colors- that shows me where the values should be and layers colors for a richer final product). Check out the photo comments for descriptions of what I did for each step.  I'll be adding more images later as I start painting the but see what you think! 
As you may have guessed from the blog post title I have posted the photos of all of the completed perspective projects on the Art 7 Gallery Page (click here for link). There are some excellent projects in there, of course I might be biased. 

In honor of our new ceramics project, where you turn your drawings into clay figures, I suggest you check out the pumpkin sculpting work of Ray Villafane at . Enjoy!
As you might have figured out from the title, I have uploaded photos of the printmaking project for all classes. If you had your parents check off and sign the permission slip and your project was finished by yesterday your project is up on the gallery page. 

In the spirit of the last post, I have a new website for you to check out, This is the artist website of Eric Grohe who creates giant visual illusions using 1 point perspective.  
Just a reminder, Friday February 1st is the last day to submit a comment on the blog for bonus points and the last day to hand in the photo permission slips before you lose points for being late! 

As I said in my previous post, I am going to post fun web art things for you to take a look at and here is the first!
Check out to see words become pictures or to see the work of Amandine Alessandra who turns people into words! 5 bonus points if you mention watching it to me in class!
Hello students, parents, guardians and other assorted viewers. 

Welcome to our class blog page. On this page I will try to post due dates, project information, fun art examples and resources and anything else I think is related to our class. The comments are open on this page so feel free to respond- I do read through all of the comments.  Remember that this page can be viewed by everyone so don't write anything inappropriate or that you wouldn't want others to see. Also, For security sake, please only write your first name and period number if you leave a comment.  This can be a great place to ask questions about projects and etcetera, if you have the question its likely the answer applies to other people too- so ask away!

Please remember to sign and return the photo permission slip so that I can begin displaying student artwork on the gallery pages. 

As promised in class, if you leave a properly labeled comment to this post by Friday February 1st, I will give you 5 bonus points.  When you comment you do NOT need to have an email address or website filled in and you should have only your first name and period number in the name section. If I get inappropriate comments I will delete them.